Typescript Cookbook

Till Engineering
3 min readApr 3, 2021

This blog talks about some tips and techniques while writing typescript code.

Function Declarations:

Example 1: Arguments with type:

function greet(person: string, date: Date) {console.log(`Hello ${person}, today is ${date.toDateString()}!`);}

Example 2: Return type:

function randomNumber(): number {return 26;}
// says that randomNumber will return a number

Example 3: Argument with an Object type:

function printCoord(pt: { x: number; y: number }) {console.log("The coordinate's x value is " + pt.x + pt.y);}
/* says that pt is an argument with type object having properties x and y */

Example 4: Argument with an Object type with Refactor:

type Point = {x: number;y: number;};// Exactly the same as the earlier examplefunction printCoord(pt: Point) {console.log("The coordinate's x value is " + pt.x + pt.y);}
/* says that pt is an argument with type Point

Example 5: Argument can be a string or number or something else

function printId(id: number | string) {if (typeof id === "string") {// In this branch, id is of type 'string'console.log(id.toUpperCase());} else {// Here, id is of type 'number'console.log(id);}}

Example 6: Argument that can have some set of values only

function printText(s: string, alignment: "left" | "right" | "center") {}printText("Hello, world", "left");interface Options {width: number;}function configure(x: Options | "auto") {// ...}configure({ width: 100 });configure("auto");

Example 7: Generic Function Declaration

function identity<Type>(arg: Type): Type {return arg;}identify(4);


Example 1: Only attributes:

interface IPerson {
name: string;
age: number;

Example 2: Attributes and Functions:

interface IEmployee {
empCode: number;
empName: string;
getSalary: (number) => number;
// arrow function that returns a number
getManagerName(number): string;
// function that returns a string and takes number as argument.

Example 3: Generic Interface with Attributes and Functions:

interface IArray<Type> {length: number;pop(): Type | undefined; // function can either return an element of // data type Type or undefinedpush(...items: Type[]): number;
// function that returns a number may be the current index value.

Example 4: Optional properties in Interfaces

interface IRectangle {length: number;breadth: number;area?: number;}

Example 5: Inheriting and Extending Interfaces

interface IHuman {type: string;origin: string;country?: string;}interface IMan extends IHuman {address: string;}

Handling Types which typescript can’t infer

Sometimes you will have information about the type of a value that TypeScript can’t know about.

For example, if you’re using document.getElementById, TypeScript only knows that this will return some kind of HTMLElement, but you might know that your page will always have an HTMLCanvasElement with a given ID.

In this situation, you can use a type assertion to specify a more specific type:

const myCanvas = document.getElementById("main_canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;

Like a type annotation, type assertions are removed by the compiler and won’t affect the runtime behavior of your code.

Note: You can also use the angle-bracket syntax (except if the code is in a .tsx file), which is equivalent:

const myCanvas = <HTMLCanvasElement>document.getElementById("main_canvas");


Example 1:Numeric enums:

enum Direction {Up = 1,Down,Left,Right,}

Above, we have a numeric enum where Up is initialized with 1. All of the following members are auto-incremented from that point on. In other words, Direction.Up has the value 1, Down has 2, Left has 3, and Right has 4.

If we wanted, we could leave off the initializers entirely:

enum Direction {Up,Down,Left,Right,}

Here, Up would have the value 0, Down would have 1, etc.

Example 2:String enums

String enums are a similar concept, but have some subtle runtime differences as documented below. In a string enum, each member has to be constant-initialized with a string literal, or with another string enum member.

enum Direction {Up = "UP",Down = "DOWN",Left = "LEFT",Right = "RIGHT",}

While string enums don’t have auto-incrementing behavior.

Modules , Import, Exports

// @filename: maths.tsexport var pi = 3.14;export let squareTwo = 1.41;export const phi = 1.61;export class RandomNumberGenerator {}export function absolute(num: number) {if (num < 0) return num * -1;return num;}

These can be used in another file via the import syntax:

import { pi, phi, absolute } from "./maths.js";console.log(pi);const absPhi = absolute(phi);

An import can be renamed using a format like import {old as new}:

import { pi as π } from "./maths.js";console.log(π);

